Sunday May 13, 2007

We woke up as the plane landed in Mexico City and we were mistakenly told that we had to go through immigration during our layover, so we filled out all the forms and got stamps in our passports allowing us into the country. Then, they sent us right back into the same terminal we came from. So now we have stamps for entering the country, but none for leaving. Oh well, I hope the federales don’t hunt us down and make us get another stamp!

After a couple hours, we flew to Houston, where we had a four-hour layover. We ate some Mexican food for lunch (ironically, it was hard to find such food to eat in Mexico City’s airport), then played Scrabble, and I incredibly won (mostly because Daddy set me up for four, count ‘em, triple word scores). Because I won, I got to buy banana splits for us all. They were yummy.

Finally, we got to fly home, but when we arrived at Salt Lake International Airport, our luggage did not. We went back to my parents’ house in Bountiful and my brother David had made a delicious Mother’s Day dinner. We talked to Michael, who is on a mission in Japan, for a few minutes (he gets to call home twice a year, on Mother’s Day and on Christmas). Then, Crystal and I drove to Ogden, grateful to be home and to have had such a wonderful trip. Our bags appeared in Bountiful later that night, and Mother brought them up to us on Monday morning.

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